Praise her
The line between being smart and coming across as a smart-arse is thin. Real experts know how to state their credentials without bragging.
Compliments can improve a character. If you applaud yourself, it will backfire. However, we can ask someone else to allude to our expertise. One underrated way is to send an event organiser or moderator a short yet strong speaker bio. They welcome your help and you benefit from their praise.
In case no laudator is around, you can consider a second option. Commend a senior figure with information about him or her that most people did not know. This improves your ethos by showing that you cared to research and know the subject.
How to (get) praise
Identify the most senior person in the room.
Write down three facts that would impress her.
Either share them with person at the beginning of the event or mention them in a question. Make sure that you state your name loud and clearly to increase the chances of her referring back to you.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is a name difficult to spell but worth remembering. She will succeed Angela Merkel and lead the German Christian Democratic Union. Read her biography and come up with three questions that you could ask during the Q&As at the party conference. Although it is about her, make sure you leave an impression.
Learn the techniques. Boost your confidence. Make your point.
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